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Jumat, 04 November 2011

Diposting oleh Annisa el Husna di 06.36

Common Writing Problems
Writing well is not just an option for students now, but a necessity in the study of a second or foreign language. Along with others skill in English, writing is considered as one way to measure individual’s language proficiency. From a pedagogical point of view, writing is not a natural activity but is a highly complex task. Learning to write fluently and expressively is the most difficult of the four macro skills for all language users regardless of whether the language in question is a first, second or foreign language (Nunan, 1979: 35). Based on this theory, many researchers have proved that almost student has greater difficulty in writing than other. Beside low knowledge of grammar and sentence structure, some of students also difficult to formulate ideas and opinion because they are limited by literacy support. Students who find writing very difficult and frustrating will not interested doing the task, and will try to avoid writing whenever possible. As a result, there are many factors which influence the students’ writing difficulties such as literacy crisis, lack of language capability and low motivation.

First of all, lack of engagement with literacy is one major problem that will create obstacles throughout students’ writing processes. Literacy represents the ability to read and to write.  In case, students often do not ‘enough’ information to support their creativity in writing, so that the ideas not connected and relevant with the topic.  They are also not sure that neither these ideas nor the vocabulary they use is unnecessarily repetitive. Literacy would be most helpful in require creativity and critical thinking to improve students’ writing ability. Graham and Perin (2007:7) note that writing is sometimes seen as the “flide side” of reading. It shows that students must be skilled readers to be skilled writers. Much of reading is useful to enrich writers’ background of knowledge which necessary to present an idea, developing and organizing the idea into good written form.
Another of difficulties in writing is lack of language capability which consists of grammar mastery, vocabulary, and structure of sentences. It can be shown by recent study (Bahri & Sugeng, 2009) found that eight most common errors of students’ writing were: verb-tenses, articles, word forms, capital letters, punctuation, missing words, spelling, and prepositions. Apparently some students possess limited vocabulary and poor understanding of grammar. So, they get difficulties in doing their writing tasks. Moreover, good writing relies on a student's language abilities. A language problem may manifest student's writing itself as awkward phrasing and inappropriate use complete sentences in their writing.
In addition to literacy crisis and less of language capability, finally is about motivation. Motivation has long been a major problem for most teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL) or as a foreign language. Lack of motivation is a reason for failure and low self esteem in writing activities. Student lacking in motivation usually passive in writing activities. According to Lo and Hyland (2007) motivation is also influenced by learners’ sense of agency and feelings of mastery and control over the learning activity and their interest in it. There could be many reasons why the student is not motivated, for example a weaknesses in literacy support and language capability. The combining of those problem become distorted image of self indirectly, stuck their mind as difficulty getting started on writing assignments. Even though student may have good writing intentions, focusing mostly on grammar seems more difficult to do. There are many errors that they will make, when they do writing. Furthermore, formulating an idea in writing can be difficult because it involves transforming or reworking information, which is much more complex if the students’ lack of literacy support.  So that, students felt under pressure every time dealing with writing task and consider writing as uninterested activities.

To conclude, writing is produced in different formats, such as sentences, lists, outlines, paragraphs, essays, letters, and books. The ability to write well is not a naturally acquired. It is must be practiced and learned through experience. Otherwise, students writing in a second language can not get beyond in language problems when doing their writing. Individuals may have difficulty with one or more aspects of written language such as proper use of grammar, vocabulary, organizational skills, and initiating writing. Also, the lack of literacy support and unconfident with own writing product can make the task of writing even more complicated.

1.      Lo, J., & Hyland, F. (2007). Enhancing students’ engagement and motivation in writing: The case of primary students in Hong Kong. Journal of Second Language Writing, 16(4), 219–237.
2.      Nunan, David. 1979. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press.
4.      Graham, S., & Perin, D. (2007). Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools – A report to Carnegie Corporation of New York.Washington, DC:Alliance for Excellent Education.
Saiful Bahri (Hamzanwadi College Selong Lotim NTB)
Bambang Sugeng (Yogyakarta State University)

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